A greater need for quiet study facilities

Covid-19 significantly impacted upon the delivery of education and training for healthcare staff, particularly during the lockdowns.

Face to face meetings moved to a virtual environment, however many organisations struggled to identify suitable facilities for staff to engage in online meetings that met social distancing and privacy requirements.

The library in the WMI has also underseen changes in usage during and since the pandemic with a greater need for quiet study facilities.

A suitable environment

The first floor of the library was identified as a suitable environment to provide enhanced facilities.

A number of plans were initially discussed, however study pods were identified as a resolution to the needs for study and connection to virtual meetings.

Nine pods were procured and installed in March 2022 in a refurbished first floor environment.

  • March to Sept 2021: Capital bid developed and submitted for approval for repurposing of first floor. Some plans discounted due to health and safety. Suggestion of moving to a study pod solution
  • October 2021: Project Manager organised a short tender exercise to evaluate designs and solutions
  • November 2021: Contract awarded to Awallsz
  • December 2021: Removal of furniture from first floor
  • January/February 2022: New carpet laid and walls redecorated. Electrical works completed
  • January/February 2022: Installation of study pods in library and serenity pods/social seating in WMI
The Study Pods have proven to be extremely popular with staff and students

The Study Pods have proven to be extremely popular with staff and students.

The majority of use derives from students and clinical teaching fellows, however other staff are seeing the benefit of using pods for interviews, undertaking online exams and connecting to Microsoft teams. . 

Upgrading the facilities in both the ground floor area of the library and also the Computer Suite will provide opportunities to procure and provide additional study pods. A survey of users will be undertaken to gather feedback and direct further developments.

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